Monday, September 10, 2012

Bourjois Blush Rose d'Or

I've been loving this beautiful Bourjois blush for the last month, so I decided it's about time I share it with you all... 

I think one can never have enough blushes in the make up bag. Luckily, there is more than one blush shade that suits each skin tone. Depending on the lipstick shade, make up look you are going for or just your mood blush can change accordingly. Besides, there is so many textures, colors and formulations on the market at the moment that it is almost impossible to make just one choice. 

So here it is - my favorite blush of the month...
Not for nothing Bourjois is famous for their foundations and for their blushes - Good quality, fantastic value for money, vast variety of colours. It often is compared to Chanel blushes - the texture is almost the same - both baked, they are both made in France, at the same place  (I wouldn't be surprised if they were made in the same factory) and the quality is more or less the same too. Bourjois blushes are fantastic and they cost much less than Premium Houses' blushes. Chanel's blush is € 38,13 for 4 grams and Bourjois's is € 11,17 for 2,5 grams. The difference in price is definitely noticeable.
It has very fine golden shimmer to it, but very subtle - you almost don't notice it.

It comes with a brush - not the most fantastic brush in the world, but , if necessary it will do. I like the fact that it is well pressed, so there is no dusty mess that some blushes have - I find it very annoying, because it's a waste of product and the packaging gets dirty very fast. It has good pigmentation as well, so it is easy to work with.
Never mind the eye brows - they have the life on their own

This colour is very pretty, vibrant, youthful pink. I find it really lightens up the face, making me look awake, healthy and glowing. The only bad thing I can say about this blush is the smell - it's very heavily perfumed. It smells like old make up from my Granny's purse, but after I apply it on my cheeks, I don't smell it anymore. So, it's no biggie for me.

Overall, it's a very good blush. Good texture, beautiful colours and they are very affordable. In the nearest future I will be adding some more of Bourjois blushes to my make up collection. Do you own any of Bourjois blushes? What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.

I hope you enjoyed!
xx, Elena

Liebster Award!

Hi Girls!
This morning I woke up to an unexpected surprise. Gl0ssy from (go check out her lovely blog!) has nominated me for Liebster Award! Thank you gl0ssy! I thought it's fun to do, so here it goes...

The Rules: 

1. Post 11 random facts about yourself so people can get to know you.
2. Answer the 11 questions that the person who awarded you posted to be answered.
3. Choose 11 people to award this to.
4. Go to each blog and tell them you nominated them for the award.
5. Make up 11 questions for the people you nominate to answer. 

Gl0ssy's 11 Questions: 

1. What are your top 5 favourite movies?
I don't have the ultimate 5, but I have 5 I am loving for a while now: 1. The Intouchables; 2. A Better Life; 3. Lucky Number Slevin; 4. Inglorious Basterds; 5. RED (Retired, Extremely Dangerous).
2. If someone told you that you are leaving right now, and you only have time to grab 5 essential beauty items, what would they be?
That's a tricky one..Let's see: 1. Sunscreen; 2. Facial Cleanser; 3.Mascara; 4. Black eyeliner; 5.Lip and Cheeks tint.
3. Favourite season?
4. Why did you start blogging?
I love writing, I love make up, I love beauty - blogging seemed like the right thing to do.
5. If you had to list three pet peeves, what would they be?
I definitely have more than 3, but here are the most annoying ones: 1. I hate when people outstay their welcome; 2. I hate when people stand too close to my face, completely ignoring my personal distance; 3. I hate when people say their opinion and walk away in the middle of a discussion, leaving you hanging..
6. What is your favourite meal?
Pasta with fresh pesto, cherry tomatoes, arugula and goat cheese. Delicious!
7. What is your current favourite song?
Robert Plant - Big Log. Oh, such a nice tune!
8. What is your current favourite purchase?
I think Essie's Too Too Hot nail polish
9. Favourite car?
Audi A3 Cabrio ( I can dream on...)
10. What is the last book your read?
50 shades of Grey...Surprise, surprise :))
11. Chocolate or Vanilla?
Vanilla - ice cream, everything else - Chocolate

11 Facts about me:

1. My zodiac sign is Capricorn. 
2. Whenever I start a new book, I always read the last page first. 
3. I am a bona fide cat person. I have a cat, her name is Stinky and I love her to death.
4. I look angry when I concentrate on something - I didn't notice it myself, but I got some feedback around the house :)
5. I am very bad at losing and I don't deal with criticism very well. 
6. I am always cold. I am one of those people, who always brings a jacket, just in case. 
7. I hate the sound of harmonica. For me, it's the most annoying musical instrument ever invented!
8. I am very conservative in my style. Timeless beauty is my thing. 
9. I can split my toes very wide. I didn't realize it was special, until some people were amazed :)
10. I get irrationally angry when someone blows air in my face! Hate it. 
11. It takes time for me to let people into my life. I select my friends very carefully, but once they are my friends, I love them dearly!

I nominate:

My Questions: 

1. A Cat person or A Dog person?
2. What is the first thing you would buy or do, if you won the lottery?
3. What is your hobby?
4. What is one habit you want to get rid of?
5. What is your favourite part of being a blogger?
6. What's your addiction?
7. What is one beauty item you couldn't live without?
8. Are you an impulsive buyer or do you do your research before you decide to buy something?
9. What is the most expensive and the most inexpensive make up/beauty item that you own?
10. Do you mind leaving house without make up?
11.Do you believe in love at first sight?

Well, that's it! I had lots of fun answering all the questions! I hope you will too! Please, post a link with your answers in the comment bar below and have fun with it!

xx, Elena

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Chanel Illusion d'Ombre Ebloui

Today I want to review one of the famous and fabulous Illusion d'Ombre eye shadows from Chanel's Fall 2011 collection. For those of you, who haven't heard - Illusion d'Ombre is a cream/gel eye shadows, which come in 6 shades. Famous for their unusual texture and beautiful colors, they quickly became THE must-have item for many girls all over the World.

The shade in the spotlight today is the the very beautiful (ladies and gentlemen, please welcome...) Nr. 86 Ebloui. It's this gorgeous red coppery shade (looks very flattering on blue and grey eyes!). All of the Illusion d'Ombre eye shadows have shimmer in them - some more, some less. This one is somewhere is the middle shimmer-wise.

I like the packaging. It comes in a glass pot with the black lid - simple, yet classic - exactly what one would expect from Chanel. There is also a small brush that comes with it. Usually those little "extras" are rather useless, but this brush comes in handy.
The retail price in Europe is 28,50 for 4 grams of product, which is quite a bit of money, but I feel like it will last a long time - it's pigmented and a little goes a long way. But, the reason I've decided to splurge on these eye shadows is their texture. I haven't seen any other product that is quite like it (texture-wise). It's a cross between mousse and cream eye shadow, it is bouncy and squishy ...unique, I would say.
Day Light (unfortunately, this picture doesn't do the justice to the color)

Application is so foolproof - you can use your fingers or a brush. Any mistakes are very easy to correct and the color is very buildable - I find that this shade can be subtle for day time and a bit more dramatic for night time. I don't know if they last all day , but they do last for good 5-6 hours (and they don't crease!).

Overall, there eye shadows have very unique and unusual texture, beautiful colors and good quality. If you are looking for a nice metallic cream eye shadow, Chanel's Illusion d'Ombre is worth trying. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dior Hydra Life Pro-Youth Skin Tint review

Some months back I found myself looking for a tinted moisturizer. I am always in search of the perfect base, which is bad for my wallet, frustrating for me and very good for economy. So, after a lot of looking around I came across Dior's Pro-Youth Skin Tint from their Hydra Life range. I've red a lot of positive reviews online and after careful consideration I decided - I will give it a try.
The packaging looks quite simple, but nice - just the silvery/greeny tube with indication of the shade in front. On the back of the tube it has a description what it does to your skin and how it works : "An ultra-moisturizing and protective care...has light defusing pigments for a natural and visibly enhanced complexion". It also has SPF 20, which is handy.

It has only 3 shades, which I think is a very big (and only) downside to this product. But I've managed to find my match in shade 002 Golden (quite frankly, this is a match only for the summer time). In the Netherlands it retails for € 39.70, in the USA it's $40.00 for 50 ml of product, which I think is a good value for money (most foundations cost the same for 30ml).

It doesn't have a pump - you just have to squeeze it out. I would have preferred a pump, but it's no big deal  - the product has good consistency, so you can stop when necessary. 

No make up

Only Dior Skin Tint

Moving on to the best part of this skin tint - I love the glow it gives my skin. Basically, it does what it says - generally improves your complexion, without looking cakey or overly made up. Although it goes out the tube looking just like a normal foundation, it blends very well into your skin, leaving slightly dewy to natural finish. Another thing I love is that I don't feel it on my skin at all - the formula is so lightweight, a dream come true. 

The bottom line is - I really like this product and I might as well stick with it (unless I find something better, of course). The only downside (which is a big one, though) that it comes only in 3 shades. My recommendation would be to try it before you buy it. 

I hope it was helpful, xo 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

50 Questions Tag

I spotted the 50 Questions tag on gl0ssy's blog ( Hers was fun to read, so I decided to do one myself. Although it's not really beauty related, I think of it as a little fun extra to do. So here it goes:

50 Questions

1. Height?
168 cm or 5'6 

2. Have you ever smoked heroin?
No, I don't believe that I have :)))

3. Do you own a gun?
No,but I do own a pepper spray, in case I want to spice things up :)

4. Who would you let eat crackers in your bed?
Not gonna happen. No eating in bed for me. 

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
Dentist gives me shivers 

6. What do you think of hot dogs?
Not a fan. I have this thing about sausages - God only knows what's in it

7. What’s your favorite Christmas song?
Chestnut's roasting on an open fire by Nat King Cole - lovely!

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Definitely coffee

9. Can you do push ups?
Yes, but not a lot. 

10. Is your bathroom clean?
I live with a man, so, no matter how hard I try, it somehow gets dirty again (very quickly) 

11. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry?
My rings

12. Do you like painkillers?
Not really, but if it hurts pretty bad, I don't mind one

13. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
Put up an interesting game

14. Do you have A.D.D.?

15. What’s your name?

16. Middle name?
The sweetest in the World 

17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment?
I can't listen to Johnny Cash anymore, I want some coffee, I can't believe summer is over.

18. Name the last 3 things you bought:
Pasta, bacon, cream (pasta Carbonara coming straight up!)

19. Who is your favorite visual artist?
Many. I do like Van Gogh a lot

20. You’re stuck on an deserted island with two other people, who would you want to be stranded with?
My best friend and my Mum.

21. You've won a major award and have thanked your family, who else would you thank?
The Academy :))

22. Current worry?
Need to get organized 

23. Current hate?
I don't have enough money

24. Favorite place to be?
Home! Sweet home!

25. How did you bring in the New year?
I've had an awesome 80's costume party!

26. Where would you like to go?
Good Old New York

27. Do you own slippers?

28. What shirt are you wearing?
A black tank top

29. Do you burn or tan?

30. Favorite color(s)?
Black , brights 

31. Would you be a pirate?
Definitely, but then more like Robin Hood type

32. Are you gay?
No, can't say that I am

33. What songs do you sing in the shower?
None, the neighbors would complain. 

34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
I didn't have that fear

35. What’s in your pockets right now?
Have no pockets, but usually keys

36. Where are you?
On the couch, in the Netherlands :)

37. Best bed sheets as a child?
I remember I liked ones with snowmen on them

38. Worst injury you’ve ever had?
Stepped on something very sharp while swimming, cut my foot open

39. You’re on a trip around the world and have to select five landmarks to visit, what would you pick?
Solar de Uyini (salt lake), Bolivia; Ha Long Bay, Vietnam; Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, North pole, Grand Barrier Reef, Australia.

40. How many TVs do you have in your house?
Only one

41. Who is your loudest friend?
Can't think of anyone - must be me

42. Who is your quietest friend?
I don't think any of my friends are quite people

43. Does someone have a crush on you?
I don't know, but I sure hope so!

44. Do you wish on shooting stars?
I did a couple of times

45. What is your favorite book?
It changes, but I do like Gone with the Wind, Margaret Mitchell

46. What is your favorite candy?

47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding?
Something romantic, but no too sloppy

48. What song do you want played at your funeral?
Nothing to sad. Off the top of my head I'd say Queen's Under Pressure :)

49. What were you doing at 12AM last night?
Watching Breaking Bad

50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? 
Why this cat is licking me?

I hope it was fun. I tag everyone, who wants to do the 50 Question tag and please, post a link in the comment section below. I would like to read your 50 questions. xo

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Monday, September 3, 2012

Clinique Chunky Cherry Chubby Stick review

Fruity, tempting names, fun colors, moisturizing formula and it looks rather chubby...Yes, that's right - I am talking about Clinique's famous Chubby Sticks. In May 2012 the exciting 8 new shades were launched. At first I was hesitant but, after seeing the big hype online, I decided to see for myself what the fuss was all about.
Out of all the shades, I went for the cherry red color called Chunky Cherry. My lips naturally have a lot of color in them, so I wanted something that will actually be noticeable when I put it on. Besides, the summer month were ahead of me, so why not?

Chubby Stick is not really a lipstick, more like a lip balm with a color to it. Now, I have tried tinted lip balms before, but this seemed somewhat different (with a little bit more meat to it, if it makes sense). 

I would like to start with positives first. Number one on my list is the packaging - I looks like a chubby crayon with a colorful middle (differs depending on the shade) and silver top and bottom. Mine is used quite a lot already, but normally it comes in a crayon shape. It might look like you need to sharpen it, but there is specially designed bottom, that turns up, which saves the time and makes it easier to use.

Another thing that I like is that it really does feels moisturizing on the lips. It's very light weight, not sticky at all and, for the time that it actually is on the lips, it gets the job done, which is good. Another thing I like is the color. I have to say that this is the only Chubby Stick that I own, but the color in this one is very pretty and you can actually see it on the lips, which was something that I was looking for. 

To my annoyance, the camera wouldn't pick up the actual brightness of the color 
Unfortunately, having said all that, there are (in my opinion) a few downsides to this product. Firstly, I think it's overpriced. Even though it does have the weight of a normal lipstick (3 g), you run through it much (much!) faster. I don't know the price everywhere else, but in the Netherlands it retails for € 17,00 , which for a lip balm I think is a little too much. 

Another thing I am not crazy about is the staying power. I understand the fact that lip balms aren't supposed to stick to the lips for the entire day and you have to reapply them. Which brings me back to the point about it being overpriced. 

And the last (this one is no biggie though) is that it melts a little when its hot outside (it's not bad, I mean it's not running all over the purse or anything like that).

To sum up, I think it's a fine product  but ,unless there is a big sale in a local make up store, I am not coming back for more. I hope it was helpful, xo

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Essie nail polish: Unusual Angora Cardi

Although the word about Essie nail polishes has spread far and wide, nail polish lovers in the Netherlands have not been able to lay their hands on one until May 2012. In time for summer, giving girls just enough time to get ready and explore the whole new, exciting world full of color. Needless to say I didn't waste my time before I ran to the store and picked up a couple of unusual and fabulous Essie nail polishes. 

One of the reasons Essie nail polishes are famous is huge variety of colors. On Essie website I found 266(!) amazing shades. In retail points in the Netherlands (which are Etos and DA) there are not so many, although enough to please a demanding customer.
I picked up a couple pf shades (stay tuned!), but today I want to review Nr. 42 Angora Cardi. All Essie nail polishes retail for € 9,99 which, for a good quality product, I think is reasonable, besides you get 13,5 ml.

I chose this color because I likes the weirdness of it. It's this deep plumy - dusty rose color. On the picture above the color looks a little lighter than it actually is.  
I don't think that this is the best nail polish I have ever tried, but I will say it's good quality, it lasts on the nails (with base coat) good three days without chipping and I do a lot of dishes every day, so that's quite impressive. The pigment is really good as well - one coat is enough.
This is how is looks actually
One coat
The formulation is very creamy and good consistency. I am happy with how it looks on my nails. It's a rather dark color, but I find it's not difficult to wear and it goes well with a lot of other colors.

All in all - I am hooked. Can't wait to be back at Essie's endless color paradise and make some new discoveries. Hope you enjoyed, xo

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Rosacea: Causes, Treatments, Make up Solutions

There are only a few lucky women out there who just happen to have a perfect skin (fortunately for them, unfortunately for those outside the lucky group!). The ugly truth is that a lot of women all over the world are struggling with different skin problems. Today I want to focus on a problem I am very familiar with - Rosacea. 

Before I begin I just have to say that I have the feeling that rosacea is a rather neglected skin problem. Everywhere I look there is a lot of talk, advice and products directed to treat acne and spots (not to mention anti - aging niche). So this post is dedicated to all the ladies who know and can relate to the problem of rosacea. 
Image taken from
Let's start with the definition of Rosacea - It's a chronic skin condition that is characterized by redness in the center of the face, but later on can progress to overall face redness. Rosacea affects both - men and women,  but mostly women. Rosacea progresses with age - the older you are the worse it gets. 
In the modern day society scientists came up with the way to fight it - laser treatment...BUT..this is so far the only efficient way and it can get really pricey. Other skincare or make up products can only reduce the appearance of  rosacea or prevent it from getting spread.  

This is my rosacea. It's not very bad (not yet), but it's definitely noticeable without make up. So I was looking into this subject for quite a while now. I went to the dermatologist and had a good talk about the causes and measures that can be taken to help. 

First of all, rosacea is something that, most of the time, is genetic and runs in the family. My dad has it and my mum, so no way out there. Although, when I was younger the redness was noticeably less - just a few capillaries showing through but ,as I got older I got more and more redness. So I asked my doctor why this happens and it turns out there are many reasons for that: 
1. Sun exposure is a number one factor;
2. Harsh weather conditions (wind, cold temperatures or sudden temperature changes) ;
3. Nutrition - unfortunately, rosacea sufferers should follow a very strict diet - no fried, spicy or fat food, no soda, no certain vegetables (onion, garlic etc.), very hot drinks are not advised (hot tea, coffee). Besides any stomach diseases (like gastritis) is direct redness booster :(
4. Alcohol consumption - alcohol increases the blood pressure and widens the capillaries (even breaks them sometimes), which makes you face even more red. An although red wine can be good for the heart, it's definitely not good for the tone of your face.
5. Hot bath, sauna - heat widens and breaks the capillaries, increases redness.
6. Smoking - everybody knows- smoking is not good for the skin condition, it makes skin tired and reduces collagen levels in the skin etc.
7. Certain skin care products - it's not about the skin care, it's about the ingredients in the skin care, like alcohol, which aggravates the skin, bringing redness. 

I want to share with you how I reduce the appearance of rosacea with help of skin care and make up. I went to dermatologist asking for help and she said the only thing that can help dramatically is laser treatment, but there are ways to prevent the redness getting bigger. 
The first thing she recommended was the Bioderma Sensibio lotion. Yes, I know that Bioderma is a very famous and hyped skin care product at the moment. But a lot of people don't know that it has rosacea helping properties. It doesn't change the current situation of the skin, but if you use it regularly it doesn't allow any more redness to appear. I know that Bioderma is hard to get in the States, but it's available all over Europe in regular pharmacies. 
The second product is from a German brand called Eucerin. They have different multiple ranges for hair, body and face. This particular one is for redness, it has a green tint to it (green neutralizes red). It's not a very special product, there are many like this one on the market (I know Clinique makes something like that), but this one is reasonably priced and does the job. 
 I've tried to apply the green moisturizer first and then apply a foundation, but I it did look a bit patchy and not very flattering on the skin ,so I tried to mix it together and it worked for me.
I do half a pump of moisturizer and half a pump of foundation, mix it with the foundation brush and the apply it to my face either with fingers or with a brush. It tones down the redness, so here is the result:
After the redness is down, you can proceed with the rest of the make up. I applied blush and some mascara.
With pink blush on the cheeks

I am sorry that the post is soo long, I just have a lot to say since I have been looking into this subject for a long time. I hope you enjoyed and if you have any questions I will be happy to answer. xo

Monday, August 27, 2012

Lancaster After Sun Tan Maximizer/Moisturizer

Since I live in the Netherlands I haven't seen a real summer. When occasional sunny day finally arrives there is always SPF 30 (even though I want to be tanned, I don't want any sun damage) and before you know it - summer is gone and the lovely, golden summer tan is a no-show. So, I decided to find a solution for that (besides fake tanning) and kill two birds with one stone. Just about then it was time I came across Lancaster's After Sun Tan Maximizer. 
At first, I thought I am a little too late with this review and it's not a good time anymore - summer is almost gone - but then I thought, may be it is, because all sun products now are on big sale. It can peacefully wait on the shelf until the next summer or that fabulous vacation to a hot country. As the matter of fact, I was lucky with the price as well - my local make up counter had a huge sale on all Lancaster sunscreens, after suns etc. Reduced from 34,00 (for 125ml.) to 13,00 it seemed like a very good deal, so I bought it. 

At first I thought it was something like a fake tan - tinted moisturizer kind of thing, but I was wrong. Although  it does have a veery slight, almost undetectable yellow tint to it, it comes out just as a white moisturizer. 
How to use: on the tube it says: "Apply generously to face and body after sun exposure, for at least 4 days to increase your tan.", which I did and , I think, it actually made a little difference. With just a couple sunny days that we had here in the Netherlands I actually managed to look tanned. 
It goes on clear, just leaves a moisturized feeling to the skin

One thing I have to mention is the smell. I don't even know how to describe it - it's not a sunscreen smell, nor  a fake tan smell. Just this annoying smell some moisturizers have, I guess. 

To sum it up - I do like this product and I would repurchase it again, but only on sale. It is 13,00 good, but not 34,00 good. For 34,00 one could buy a really good fake tan and don't bother with tan maximizers. 

Hope it was helpful, xo

Nailed: YSL La Laque Couture

I have a confession to make - I have a little obsession with nail polishes and... I am in love ..again. This time with YSL's La Laque Couture nail polish collection. I came across these polishes when I realized I don't have anything exciting to wear on my toes this summer ( already past summer - time flies!!!), so I went to the make up counter to look around and boom! Found the nail polish Holy Grail. 
Image from
At first I was lost - there are 30 most amazing colors to choose from, but, after half an hour of poking around and confusing sales people, I decided to go for the maroon fuchsia color called Fuchsia Cubiste (Nr.8). I ran home and (of course!) repainted my nails immediately. I got sooo excited about this nail polish, I went back the next day and picked up another one called Bronze Aztec Nr. 28. 
Firstly, I love the packaging. I think it looks very luxurious with the thick glass and the golden, shiny top with YSL logo. But it doesn't stop there - the quality is really good too. The formula is close to perfect - not too thick, not too thin, the pigmentation is fantastic - 1 coat is enough to get a perfect looking nail (2nd coat to intensify the color).
One Coat

Two Coats
This is a very vibrant color, perfect for summer and may I just say - it goes on like a butter, dries super fast and doesn't chip for ages. Although I do use the base coat, I can easily go 4-5 days without touch-ups. 

The second shade is rather nontraditional dark green color with very fine golden shimmer in it. Normally, I wouldn't go for a color like this, but I thought it would look pretty on the toes ( it totally does!). Besides, it's very refreshing and not very common. 
With Flash

As for the price - it is pricey (RRP - 23,50 for 10ml.). This is, probably, the most I would pay for a nail polish, but it does have very good quality and very pretty colors. If you decide to splurge on a high end, luxury nail polish and treat yourself, definitely consider YSL's La Laque Couture collection. 

Hope you enjoyed, xo

Sunday, August 26, 2012

To stay or not to stay: Maybelline Super Stay 24 Color

While reviewing YSL's Glossy stains in the previous blog post, I suddenly remembered "Wait a minute - there is something similar in my make up bag already!" And there it was - long forgotten Maybelline Super Stay. 

The fact that it was long forgotten occurred because it was not used for ages. So I decided to give it a second chance and...Disappointment again... Now, let me begin with describing what this product actually is. 
This lipstick/stain has two ends: the colored end with the applicator and the lip balm.

It took a lot of practice before I figured out how to apply it. The pigmented part of the lipstick dries very quickly, so you have to get it right from the first stroke and, since I have the deep red color, any little imperfection is very visible. If would have been fine if one had time to play around, but when it dries (in around 10 seconds) it's impossible to correct. Then you have to get it off and start all over again...(annoying and time consuming).
After applying the pigment (one or two coats) comes the lip balm, which adds shine to the lips. 

For me, Maybelline Super Stay is not gonna stay in my make up bag for long. Whilst, is goes stay on for a really long time and it's very pigmented and the price is fine(€13,99), dries your lips like CRAZY (unless you reapply the balm every 10 minutes!), it feels like dried raisin,  it looks harsh and dry...and the color changes after a little while. I bought the bright red and ended up with deep burgundy, which doesn't really suit me...

So, no - Maybelline Super Stay 24 Color is not something for me. May be there is a different technique for applying or may be with a different color the mistakes are less noticeable... If there is , please let me know. 

Hope you enjoyed, xo