Monday, September 10, 2012

Liebster Award!

Hi Girls!
This morning I woke up to an unexpected surprise. Gl0ssy from (go check out her lovely blog!) has nominated me for Liebster Award! Thank you gl0ssy! I thought it's fun to do, so here it goes...

The Rules: 

1. Post 11 random facts about yourself so people can get to know you.
2. Answer the 11 questions that the person who awarded you posted to be answered.
3. Choose 11 people to award this to.
4. Go to each blog and tell them you nominated them for the award.
5. Make up 11 questions for the people you nominate to answer. 

Gl0ssy's 11 Questions: 

1. What are your top 5 favourite movies?
I don't have the ultimate 5, but I have 5 I am loving for a while now: 1. The Intouchables; 2. A Better Life; 3. Lucky Number Slevin; 4. Inglorious Basterds; 5. RED (Retired, Extremely Dangerous).
2. If someone told you that you are leaving right now, and you only have time to grab 5 essential beauty items, what would they be?
That's a tricky one..Let's see: 1. Sunscreen; 2. Facial Cleanser; 3.Mascara; 4. Black eyeliner; 5.Lip and Cheeks tint.
3. Favourite season?
4. Why did you start blogging?
I love writing, I love make up, I love beauty - blogging seemed like the right thing to do.
5. If you had to list three pet peeves, what would they be?
I definitely have more than 3, but here are the most annoying ones: 1. I hate when people outstay their welcome; 2. I hate when people stand too close to my face, completely ignoring my personal distance; 3. I hate when people say their opinion and walk away in the middle of a discussion, leaving you hanging..
6. What is your favourite meal?
Pasta with fresh pesto, cherry tomatoes, arugula and goat cheese. Delicious!
7. What is your current favourite song?
Robert Plant - Big Log. Oh, such a nice tune!
8. What is your current favourite purchase?
I think Essie's Too Too Hot nail polish
9. Favourite car?
Audi A3 Cabrio ( I can dream on...)
10. What is the last book your read?
50 shades of Grey...Surprise, surprise :))
11. Chocolate or Vanilla?
Vanilla - ice cream, everything else - Chocolate

11 Facts about me:

1. My zodiac sign is Capricorn. 
2. Whenever I start a new book, I always read the last page first. 
3. I am a bona fide cat person. I have a cat, her name is Stinky and I love her to death.
4. I look angry when I concentrate on something - I didn't notice it myself, but I got some feedback around the house :)
5. I am very bad at losing and I don't deal with criticism very well. 
6. I am always cold. I am one of those people, who always brings a jacket, just in case. 
7. I hate the sound of harmonica. For me, it's the most annoying musical instrument ever invented!
8. I am very conservative in my style. Timeless beauty is my thing. 
9. I can split my toes very wide. I didn't realize it was special, until some people were amazed :)
10. I get irrationally angry when someone blows air in my face! Hate it. 
11. It takes time for me to let people into my life. I select my friends very carefully, but once they are my friends, I love them dearly!

I nominate:

My Questions: 

1. A Cat person or A Dog person?
2. What is the first thing you would buy or do, if you won the lottery?
3. What is your hobby?
4. What is one habit you want to get rid of?
5. What is your favourite part of being a blogger?
6. What's your addiction?
7. What is one beauty item you couldn't live without?
8. Are you an impulsive buyer or do you do your research before you decide to buy something?
9. What is the most expensive and the most inexpensive make up/beauty item that you own?
10. Do you mind leaving house without make up?
11.Do you believe in love at first sight?

Well, that's it! I had lots of fun answering all the questions! I hope you will too! Please, post a link with your answers in the comment bar below and have fun with it!

xx, Elena


  1. I can relate to those pet peeves! Close talkers are the WORST, they make you feel so violated !!

    1. Aren't they? I get so annoyed and intimidated! Come on - i can hear you fine, you don't have to talk in my ears..

  2. Thanks for the nomination! I can't wait to write the post tomorrow!
    Becky xx

    1. No problem! I hope you have fun doing it!

      xx, Elena
